Quotation Explorer - 'Alok Jagawat'

Beautiful are the words, that can express the innermost thoughts. - Alok Jagawat
Live every moment.. in an effort to bring a positive difference to the world - Alok Jagawat
Hearts are like Books. You cannot understand one by flipping the pages or by reading the last chapter - Alok Jagawat
Men with Honor are not killed by swords, they die of Shame. - Alok Jagawat
Truth can win you many enemies, but it also rewards you with some die-hard friends - Alok Jagawat
The lesser is the contact with the outside, the greater is the contact with inside. - Alok Jagawat
Once you understand pain, You will never be able to share it with others - Alok Jagawat
In the process of looking at broken paths, we often forget the lights that illuminates that path. - Alok Jagawat
The lesser the baggage you have, the easiest will be the travelling in this world - Alok Jagawat
Have compassion and forgive the mistakes of others. If you cannot forgive ignore but never hate them, because hatred will always lead to destruction. - Alok Jagawat
What I speak and express is what, that does not even belong to me. - Alok Jagawat
Undying love, attention and sacrifice is an essential fuel for relations - Alok Jagawat
Words define you. - Alok Jagawat
Don’t make any plans, because there is only one plan which really works and that is not even devised by you - Alok Jagawat
First came him, then came I, then he came again and then I was lost forever. - Alok Jagawat
Teaching starts with Tests. - Alok Jagawat
Anger should be your servant, not your master - Alok Jagawat
Bear your pain or it will come back - Alok Jagawat
Live in Thorns but always enchant the hearts with your fragrance - Alok Jagawat
Your nature may carry deception and lies, but then it won’t stop me from loving you - Alok Jagawat
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